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The Importance of Strategy in Employer Branding

The Importance of Strategy in Employer Branding

When we think of ‘branding,’ odds are high, the first thing that comes to mind is something from the marketing dept. Things like logos, company-branded messaging, how a company is perceived to its customers even. This is where most of the budget goes in advertising,...

If It Helps: COVID-19 in the New Normal at Work and At Home

If It Helps: COVID-19 in the New Normal at Work and At Home

Like many of you, I've been spending my fair share of time reading and watching what I can regarding the global spread of the Coronavirus. We are experiencing a black swan event on a larger scale than the 2008 financial meltdown. While it needs serious attention, I've...

First Time Presenting? Put The Panic Away And Read This Now!

First Time Presenting? Put The Panic Away And Read This Now!

"I'm looking forward to standing in front of strangers to make my first presentation".... said no one ever! Sweaty palms, nervousness, queasy feelings are usually the most popular signs felt when preparing for your presentation. Well here's the good news. You are not...

Data Security – Anatomy of a Data Breach

Data Security – Anatomy of a Data Breach

Exfiltration – A breach by any other name When data is ‘released’ a.k.a. taken from a database system without the knowledge or consent of its owner, this is known as exfiltration of data. More commonly known as a data breach. The targeted data resides on an...

Becoming Agile

Becoming Agile

Agile is defined (according to the Agile Alliance) as “The ability to create and respond to change in order to succeed in an uncertain and turbulent environment.” Agile is separated from all other approaches to software development because of its focus on the people...

When Your Boss Doesn’t Care Anymore – Dealing With Apathy

When Your Boss Doesn’t Care Anymore – Dealing With Apathy

For those unsure of its meaning, apathy is a lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern regarding work tasks and responsibilities. Working as an Executive Assistant at times, certainly feels as if you are in a maze of mixed signals and hidden agendas. One of the most...